DIY Window Repairs

Whether you do DIY window repairs or something requiring expert help, there are plenty of ways to repair your windows as quickly and efficiently as possible.

If you’re a homeowner looking to make some simple DIY window repairs without the help of a professional, you’ve come to the right place. 

Whether you do DIY window repairs or something requiring expert help, there are plenty of ways to repair your windows as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Whether you’re dealing with broken glass panes or a small crack or considering an upgrade of your casement windows that let in moisture and breezes, there are easy steps you can take to get your windows back in shape. 

But should you fix everything on your windows yourself? 

Can You Fix A Window Yourself? 

There’s no doubt about it – doing your own window repairs will save you a lot of money compared to getting a professional repair done. 

Some repairs may be more comprehensive than others, which begs to question if you can or should make every window repair yourself. 

The answer to this question; it depends. 

You can do it yourself if you’re skilled at home repairs or used to working with tools. Or, if the damage is minimal and only involves some minor tweaking, you may also be able to handle it yourself. 

However, if the damage is more extensive or you lack experience with home repairs, it’s best to call in a professional. They’ll be able to assess the problem correctly and develop a solution quickly. 

The Risks Of Doing The Repair Yourself

If you want to make your own window repairs, it will be helpful to know the risks beforehand so you can stay safe. After all, you are dealing with glass, which can be dangerous if improperly handled. 

First and foremost, if you are dealing with broken glass, wear gloves while handling the pieces to protect your hands. It is also a good idea to remove the broken panes from the frame before you remove the casement.

Even old glass that hasn’t broken can still be dangerous as it is more susceptible to cracking. So handle the windows carefully and ensure you don’t knock or bump the frame while doing repairs. 

Finally, it’s worth noting windows can be heavy. Their weight will depend on the size and the window type (i.e. if it’s a single-pane or double-pane window.) It can be a good idea to have someone nearby to help you lift the window if needed. 

How To Remove A Damaged Window Or Glass Pane

Step #1

First, remove all the glass panes or broken glass from the frame. Doing this is important to prevent any shards of glass from falling and breaking as you do the work. 

Step #2

Next, remove any screws or nails, trim, molding, or caulking, securing the window in place. You can use a screwdriver or pry bar to get these out. 

Step #3

Finally, you’ll be able to lift the window out of the frame. Again, have someone nearby to help you if it is too heavy or awkward for one person to handle. 

Unfortunately, whether you plan to replace the entire window or just a broken pane of glass, you’ll still need to follow these steps to remove all the damaged glass properly.  

Installing A New Window 

If you are replacing the entire window, ensuring the new window fits securely into the frame is essential. To do this, use a level and square up your windows before installing them. 

Once the space is ready, get someone to lend you a hand and lift the window into place. 

Finally, you’ll need to secure the window in place. To do this: 

  • Tighten any screws or nails into place, inside and out. 
  • Caulk around the edges of the frame, inside and out. You can use a putty knife to apply the caulk smoothly and evenly.
  • Reattach any trim or molding, both inside and outside your home. 

Once you’ve installed everything, you can clean up the area and enjoy your new window. 

Replacing A Glass Pane

If you replace broken window glass, your steps will differ slightly. 

First, measure the opening size for the new window and get a piece of glass cut to fit. Choosing a piece of glass thick enough to handle any weather conditions you may experience in your area is also a good idea. 

Once your glass is ready, place it into the frame and use some putty or glazing to secure it around all edges. 

Finally, follow all the steps above to fit your window frame back into its space, caulking around the edges to create an airtight seal, adding screws as necessary, and replacing any trim or moldings inside and outside your home. 

Commonly Asked Window Repair Questions

Is It Worth It To Replace The Glass Only In A Broken Window?

It is usually worth replacing the glass only in a broken window if the frame and surrounding components are intact and in good condition. Replacing individual panes of glass is much cheaper than replacing an entire window, and you may find pre-cut pieces of glass that fit perfectly into your existing frame. 

However, if the frame or other components also need replacing or repairs, then it is more cost-effective to replace the whole window. Fixing any potential air leaks or draft areas should also be considered.

What Are The Best Replacement Windows?

The best replacement window type will vary depending on your needs and budget. Some popular kinds of windows include:

  • single-hung windows;
  • double-hung windows;
  • casement windows;
  • slider windows;
  • bay/bow windows;
  • and picture windows. 

You’ll also want to consider whether you want single-pane, double-pane, or triple-pane windows. 

It’s always best to consider your climate before selecting, as some window styles are better suited for specific environments than others. 

Additionally, various materials may also affect your decision. Your options include the following: 

  • a wood frame (which can be painted)
  • a vinyl frame (which holds up well against weather)
  • an aluminum frame (which provides strong structural support) 

Lastly, consider what window features are essential to you, such as increased energy efficiency or extra security. 

While you may not want a professional to do the replacement to save money, it doesn’t hurt to consult a professional, as they can give you more guidance and advice on which type of window is best for you.


Is It Worth It To Replace Old Windows?

If the existing windows in your home are drafty or in disrepair and you are looking to reduce energy costs, replacing them with new, more energy-efficient windows could be beneficial. Modern windows also have modern security features, making them safer than older models. 

Additionally, if you live in an area prone to extreme weather conditions such as hurricanes or frequent storms, upgrading your existing window frames and glass will make them much more robust and better able to withstand strong winds and other forces of nature. 

Therefore it is worth considering replacing old windows if they are already damaged or inefficient to benefit from improved safety, comfort, energy bills, and property value all at the same time.

How Should You Cover A Broken Window While You Wait For Replacement Glass?

If you are waiting for a replacement piece of glass, it is important to cover the broken window with something until your new glass arrives. 

The best option is to use a wooden board or plywood cut to fit the opening size and then secure it with sturdy nails or screws. Doing this protects you from weather elements and helps secure your home against intruders. 

Another temporary solution would be to use heavy-duty plastic sheeting over the area and secure it around any woodwork using duct tape or staples so that it does not blow away in strong winds. 

Additionally, hang curtains, blinds, or shades around the opening while you wait for your replacement glass so that passersby do not get an unobstructed view of your home. 

Whatever method you choose, always make sure that you remove whatever covering you put up before installing the new pane of glass, as this will ensure proper installation of the window frame and prevent further damage from occurring.

Do You Need To Replace The Entire Glass Piece For A Crack?

If you have a window crack, the good news is you may not need to replace the entire piece of glass. Instead, you can use a two-part epoxy to seal the glass. 

​You can get DIY kits with everything you need inside to make your repair or buy everything individually if you already have some of the required tools.

Researching this method before doing it is important, as this will only work on certain types of glass. You can check the instructions on the DIY kit or the epoxy cure for more information.

When Should You Call A Professional?

It is possible to do DIY window repairs. However, there are certain circumstances when it might be better to hire a professional to make the necessary repairs or replacements for you. 

First, you should call a professional if you are unfamiliar with window repair or do not have the necessary tools or skills. 

Alternatively, if the windows are in an area that is difficult to access or reach, hiring a professional might be a good idea as they will have the right equipment needed to access these areas. 

Calling a professional might also be a better option if you need to replace several windows all at once. Professionals tend to work directly with window manufacturers to get things at cost, so the windows’ cost won’t be that much different compared to buying your windows from hardware stores. The main cost difference will be window installation time. Ultimately, you’ll need to decide if you have more time or money to spend.  

Finally, suppose you need specialized window repair services such as replacing broken window components, installing a custom-made window frame, or even tinting glass. In that case, it is best to call a professional who can do the job correctly and safely. 

By researching and understanding what needs to be done to repair windows around your home, you can make the best decision for your budget and needs. 

Learn more about how you can insulate your windows for the winter.