Home Warranty: Top 8 Things Every Homeowner Need to Know

Discover the essential guide to home warranties and safeguard your investment! This blog post provides homeowners with valuable insights into the world of home warranties. Learn about the benefits, choosing the right provider, coverage details, and tips for maximizing your home warranty. Don't miss out on this must-read resource for homeownership peace of mind!

Buying a new home is a significant investment, and protecting that investment with a home warranty is crucial. A home warranty is a service contract that covers the cost of repairs or replacements for major systems or appliances in a home. Here are eight things you should know about new home warranties:

1. What a New Home Warranty Covers

A new home warranty typically covers major systems and appliances in your home, such as heating and cooling systems, plumbing, electrical, and appliances. The coverage may vary depending on the warranty provider, but most new home warranties cover the cost of repairs or replacement for a set period.

Do you still need to determine whether or not a home warranty covers your repair needs? Find out the common issues that home warranties cover here. to see if you have similar concerns. 

2. The Benefits of a New Home Warranty

A new home warranty provides peace of mind to homeowners knowing they are protected against unexpected repairs or replacements. It also helps to protect the value of your home by ensuring that major systems and appliances are functioning correctly. In addition, a home warranty can save you money on repairs or replacements, especially if you must replace a major system or appliance.

3. How to Choose a Home Warranty Provider

When choosing a home warranty provider, it is essential to do your research. Look for a provider that has a good reputation and offers comprehensive coverage. Read reviews from other homeowners to see what their experiences have been like with the provider. Also, compare pricing and coverage options from different providers to find the best fit for your needs.

For more information and tips on how to find the best home warranty company, you can also check out this guide.

4. What to Look For in a New Home Warranty

When reviewing a new home warranty, review the terms and conditions carefully. Look for exclusions or limitations on coverage, and ensure you understand what is covered and what is not. Pay attention to the warranty’s duration as well as the claim-filing procedure.

5. How to File a Claim

If you need to file a claim under your new home warranty, the process will vary depending on the provider. Typically, you must contact a provider and provide details about the issue you are experiencing. 

On the other hand, home warranty companies such as Home Membership allows you to choose your own service provider for the repairs, pay your bill, and submit your receipt to be paid based on the totals. Although, remember that nothing will be 100% covered. 

6. What Is Not Covered Under a New Home Warranty

While a new home warranty covers major systems and appliances, some things are typically not covered. For example, cosmetic issues or normal wear and tear are usually not covered. In addition, items that need to be correctly installed or maintained may not be covered. 

Some home warranty providers do not cover maintenance, cleaning, smoke detectors, and repairs. So, review the terms and conditions of your warranty carefully to understand what needs to be covered.

7. How to Extend Your New Home Warranty

If you want to extend your new home warranty, you can purchase an extended warranty from your provider. This can provide additional coverage beyond the initial warranty period and give you added peace of mind. However, review the terms and conditions of the extended warranty carefully and compare pricing and coverage options from different providers.

8. The Importance of Regular Maintenance

While a new home warranty can guard against unforeseen replacements or repairs, it’s crucial to keep up with routine maintenance on your house to avoid problems from developing in the first place. 

Your major systems and appliances can live longer with routine maintenance, which also helps you avoid expensive repairs. Make careful to adhere to the maintenance plan suggested by the manufacturer for each system and appliance in your home.


A new home warranty is essential for homeowners looking to protect their investments. This protection gives homeowners the confidence to make necessary repairs and replacements without worrying about the financial burden it may cause. With the best home warranty company, homeowners can enjoy knowing their home is protected in the event of a breakdown.

Home Membership simplifies home warranty. Spend more time doing the things you love if you take advantage of membership perks and safety for your home. Contact us if you’re looking for the best home warranty company!