How To Fix Whistling Toilet

Whether your toilet has an ear-piercing scream or a soft whistle, this blog post will help you get your toilet fill valve replaced as quickly and easily as possible. 

Are you startled by the sudden onset of a whistling noise from your toilet whenever you flush? Or perhaps this loud noise has been getting progressively worse over time.

Either way, your alarm is warranted as this kind of noise from your toilet can be very distressing, especially if you’ve never heard it before. 

The good news is that a whistling sound from your toilet is a fairly common plumbing problem, and it can easily be repaired without replacing your entire toilet. But you do need to fix it sooner rather than later. If left unfixed, it can cause even more problems or damage. 

To learn how to fix a whistling toilet, keep reading! 

Whether your toilet has an ear-piercing scream or a soft whistle, this blog post will help you get your toilet fill valve replaced as quickly and easily as possible. 

Why Is My Toilet Whistling?

If your toilet whistles or has a high-pitched sound when flushed, this indicates a problem with your toilet fill valve. This valve controls the flow of water into your toilet. 

When you flush a toilet, the water from the tank goes into your toilet bowl until the bowl is filled. As the water drains from the tank into the bowl, the refill valve also gets lower, prompting the valve to open and refill the toilet’s tank via the refill tube. Once the water level rises to the appropriate spot, the valve closes, preventing the tank from filling up anymore. 

Unfortunately, plumbing systems will start to deteriorate over time due to mineral deposits and general wear and tear, which can result in faulty components. The same thing can happen in your toilet, resulting in a defective fill valve. This is what is causing your toilet to make a whistling sound.

Whether your toilet has an ear-piercing scream or a soft whistle, this blog post will help you get your toilet fill valve replaced as quickly and easily as possible. 

Why You Should Fix A Whistling Toilet Right Away

While you might want to fix the problem so you don’t have a noisy toilet anymore, or perhaps you have considered just living with it to avoid the cost and hassle of a repair, there’s a much more important reason why you should get it fixed sooner rather than later. 

The toilet tank fill valve is instrumental in managing the water flow in your toilet. As the toilet tank refills, the valve will close once full to stop more water from coming in. However, if that valve fully breaks, you will have a much bigger problem on your hands, such as water damage in your bathroom and further damage to your toilet. 

So, as soon as you notice your toilet making any whistling or hissing sound, make it a top priority to get a new fill valve put in right away. It will only be a matter of time before the fill valve breaks completely. 

Whether your toilet has an ear-piercing scream or a soft whistle, this blog post will help you get your toilet fill valve replaced as quickly and easily as possible. 

How To Fix Whistling Toilet In Your Bathroom

While you can replace the gasket in the fill valve with a new rubber gasket, most people find replacing the entire toilet fill valve cheaper and easier. You can find a new valve at your local hardware store or from a plumber if you don’t have a hardware store nearby. 

There are four kinds of fill valves that you will find in most modern toilets, including:

  • Plunger or Piston-Style Fill Valve
  • Diaphragm Film Valve
  • Float-Cup Fill Valve
  • Floatless Fill Valve

Identify which type your toilet uses before purchasing a new one. 

Next, you’ll want to drain your toilet tank. You can do this by turning off the water supply to your toilet and then flushing your toilet. Doing this means all the water from the toilet tank will transfer to your toilet bowl, but the tank won’t refill. 

Once the tank has been drained, you can unscrew the broken fill valve and screw the new one. This will connect your new valve to the water supply line. (Note: each filling valve will come with manufacturer instructions. Follow these instructions as closely as possible to avoid any mishaps.) 

Once you’ve reconnected the water supply line, you can turn the water supply line back on and adjust the amount of water that fills to suit your toilet. 

What You Can Do If The Valve Breaks In The Middle Of The Night

Let’s say it’s the middle of the night, you use the washroom, flush the toilet like normal, and suddenly you hear this ear-piercing scream, and the water won’t stop filling your tank. What should you do? The first thing to do is turn off the water supply line that goes to your toilet. Most homes have this valve at the toilet’s base, but you might also find it near the bottom of the tank. If there isn’t a shut-off valve, turn off the water to the bathroom or your entire home. 

Next, clean up any leaked water from your toilet tank. You can get a new valve in the morning or call a professional plumber. 

Anytime you have an overflowing toilet that doesn’t result from a clog, the best thing to do is turn off your water to minimize the damage and determine what may have broken in your toilet. 

Whether your toilet has an ear-piercing scream or a soft whistle, this blog post will help you get your toilet fill valve replaced as quickly and easily as possible. 

When To Hire A Plumber

Replacing the toilet’s water supply valve is easy, and any homeowner can do it. 

However, if you are uncomfortable doing it, or perhaps you don’t have the time to do it yourself, it is a good idea to call a plumber; plus, there’s something to be said for the peace of mind that comes with hiring a professional who has basic plumbing knowledge, the right tools to do the job, and the know-how in case anything else goes wrong during the repair. 

If you replaced your old fill valve and the problem persists, it may be a sign to call a professional plumber. They can identify and fix what is wrong quickly to avoid any other problems or damage to your home. 

Whether your toilet has an ear-piercing scream or a soft whistle, this blog post will help you get your toilet fill valve replaced as quickly and easily as possible. 

Is This Repair Covered Under Home Warranty?

If you have a home warranty plan with HomeMembership, you can rest even easier knowing the replacement of your old valve is covered. Refer to our list of vendors to find a certified plumber in your area, get the work done, then submit your claim for payment reimbursement. 

Whether your toilet has an ear-piercing scream or a soft whistle, this blog post will help you get your toilet fill valve replaced as quickly and easily as possible.