When to DIY and When to Hire a Pro: A Room-by-Room Guide to Home Repairs and Maintenance

home repairs

Taking care of your home involves making decisions about when to handle maintenance and repairs yourself and when to call in a professional. Balancing the desire to save money and the need for expert assistance can be a challenge, but knowing your limitations and understanding when to seek help is crucial. 

In this guide, we will walk you through various home repairs and maintenance tasks, providing recommendations on when to tackle them as a DIY project and when to hire a professional. Paired with our home warranty services, you can approach home repairs and maintenance with confidence, ensuring your property remains safe, comfortable, and well-maintained.

Kitchen Repairs and Maintenance

DIY Tasks:

1. Replacing cabinet hardware: Updating your cabinet knobs or handles can be easily done with a screwdriver and new hardware.

2. Fixing a leaky faucet: With some research and the right tools, you can often replace a faulty rubber washer or cartridge to solve the issue.

Professional Repairs:

1. Major appliance repair: Issues with your oven, refrigerator, or dishwasher may require specialized knowledge and tools, making professional assistance essential.

2. Gas line work: Repairs involving gas connections should always be left to licensed professionals, as potential hazards are significant.

Bathroom Repairs and Maintenance

DIY Tasks:

1. Removing and replacing caulk: Properly maintaining the seal around your tub, shower, and sink can help prevent water damage and improve the bathroom’s appearance.

2. Repairing a running toilet: If the flapper isn’t sealing properly or the fill valve is malfunctioning, these components can often be replaced with minimal experience and tools.

Professional Repairs:

1. Major plumbing repairs: Extensive pipe work, fixing a hidden leak, or installing a new shower or tub should be handled by a licensed plumber to avoid costly mistakes.

2. Electrical work: Replacing or updating electrical outlets and wiring in a moisture-prone environment like the bathroom should be left to a licensed electrician.

Living and Bedrooms Repairs and Maintenance

DIY Tasks:

1. Painting walls: A fresh coat of paint is an accessible project for most homeowners, provided you use the right materials and take the necessary precautions.

2. Repairing minor drywall damage: Small holes or dents can often be filled with spackle and sanded down before painting.

Professional Repairs:

1. Structural work: If your project requires alterations to load-bearing walls or beams, consult a professional to ensure structural integrity is maintained.

2. Installing new windows or doors: For proper sealing and insulation, it is best to hire a professional to ensure a correct fit and installation.

Outdoor and Exterior Repairs and Maintenance

DIY Tasks:

1. Gutter cleaning: Regularly removing debris from gutters can help prevent water damage to your roof and foundation.

2. Minor fence repairs: If your fence has loose or damaged boards, securing or replacing them is often a simple DIY task.

Professional Repairs:

1. Roof repairs or replacement: Due to the risk of injury and the need for specialized knowledge, it’s best to leave these tasks to professionals.

2. Extensive landscaping or hardscaping: For large projects involving retaining walls, grading, or major tree removal, hiring a professional will ensure the job is done safely and correctly.

When it comes to home repairs, we offer support in the form of a home warranty. Here’s how it works:

1. Choose your own service provider for repairs without needing prior approval from us.

2. Submit a repair receipt for licensed repairs to receive reimbursement based on the brochure totals.

3. Reimbursement amounts depend on coverage indicated in the brochure, minus the deductible.

4. A low deductible applies to services offered.

5. We focus on repairing covered items and does not offer maintenance or item replacement.

It is important to note that services are available in all U.S. states except Alaska, Hawaii, and California. Additionally, we do not provide maintenance, cleaning, or smoke detector services. 

We offer a single plan with optional add-ons but no customizable plans. With our services, homeowners can confidently tackle DIY projects while knowing support is available for professional repairs.

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Repairs and Maintenance

DIY Tasks:

1. Changing air filters: Regularly replacing air filters can improve indoor air quality and increase your HVAC system’s efficiency.

2. Cleaning air vents and registers: Vacuuming dust and debris from your air vents and registers will improve airflow and maintain your system’s performance.

Professional Repairs:

1. Repairing or replacing the HVAC system: Working with complex HVAC units requires particular expertise that should be left to licensed HVAC professionals.

2. Ductwork installation or repair: Properly sealing and insulating ductwork is critical for efficient airflow, making it essential to rely on a professional for accurate installation or repair.

Ensuring a Safe and Well-Maintained Home

Knowing when to take on DIY tasks and when to hire a professional is essential for maintaining a safe, comfortable, and well-maintained home. By following this room-by-room guide, you can efficiently navigate the decision-making process, identify your limitations, and seek expert assistance when needed. Coupled with our home warranty services, you can enjoy peace of mind and reliable support for critical repairs.

Embrace the satisfaction of DIY home repairs and rely on HomeMembership for professional assistance when needed. Explore the benefits of a customizable home warranty experience and protect your home with us today.