Air Purifier vs. Air Conditioner – Which One Is Best?

Ultimately, whether you choose an air purifier or an air conditioner, you can enjoy a healthier and more comfortable home. Consider your needs carefully and choose the best system for you and your home. 

Air purifiers vs. air conditioners; what exactly is the difference? 

You’ve likely heard of both because they are common to use in homes. But do you know what is best suited for your needs? How do you know which one you need? 

In this blog post, we will explore the differences between an air purifier and an air conditioner, their pros and cons, and tips on choosing the right one for your home. 

Let’s get started by looking at what an air purifier is. 

What Is an Air Purifier?

An air purifier is an appliance that helps to trap airborne particles and reduce the number of dust particles, pollen, pet hair, dander, cigarette smoke, mold spores, and other pollutants in the home. It does this by using a filter system that traps these particles before they can enter the home’s ventilation system. 

Simply put, air purifiers make the air in your home clean. This results in a better indoor environment for those with respiratory problems such as asthma, allergies, etc.

Air purifiers usually come in two types: mechanical and electrical. 

Mechanical air purifiers use a fan to draw in the air, which runs through a filter to reduce pollutants. HEPA filters are the most popular type of mechanical air purifier, as they can remove 99.7% of particles in the air. However, carbon filters are becoming increasingly popular.

Electrical air purifiers use an ionization chamber or UV light to reduce pollutants. The ionization chamber creates an electrical charge that causes pollutants to stick to the walls or floor, while an ultraviolet light destroys them.

Both styles work very well for air purification, so it comes down to which kind you prefer to have in your home. 

You can also get portable air cleaners which can be moved from room to room, or whole-home air purifiers, which clean the air in your whole house. 

Pros of an Air Purifier

There are many positives to using an air purifier in your home, such as;

  • Removal of air pollutants;
  • Helps to reduce odors caused by pets or cooking;
  • Improves the overall indoor air quality in your home;
  • Easy to use and maintain; 
  • It can be used in any room of the house; 
  • Quiet operation that won’t disturb sleepers (depending on the model).

Cons of an Air Purifier

While air purifiers are good to use, they do have their downsides, such as;

  • Added expense of purchasing and running an air purifier;
  • Some models can be noisy and can disturb sleepers; 
  • It may require frequent filter changes, depending on the model; 
  • It can be bulky or take up a lot of space in your home.

What Is An Air Conditioner?

An air conditioner is an appliance that cools, dehumidifies, and circulates air in a house or building for comfortable temperature control. It works by drawing the hot air from inside the house and transferring it outside. After running through the refrigerant coils, the fans pump the cool air back into the house, ultimately cooling the space. 

There are two main types of air conditioners; portable units and central air conditioning. 

Portable units are usually cheaper and easier to install, but they can only cool a single room or area at a time. You can find portable window units or tabletop models that can be moved around the house.

Central air conditioning, on the other hand, cools your entire home at once. These units are more expensive and complex, but they work well to keep your entire space at a comfortable temperature. 

Ultimately, whether you choose an air purifier or an air conditioner, you can enjoy a healthier and more comfortable home. Consider your needs carefully and choose the best system for you and your home. 

Pros of an Air Conditioner

So, what are the benefits of using an air conditioner? Well, they;

  • Provide cooling relief from hot temperatures;
  • Help to reduce humidity levels in the home;
  • Energy efficient models can lower energy costs by using less power than other cooling systems; 
  • Portable units can be moved from room to room for convenience and flexibility. 

Cons of an Air Conditioner

On the flip side, air conditioners;

  • It does not remove airborne contaminants that are smaller particles;
  • It can be expensive to purchase and run; 
  • It can be noisy and disturb sleepers; 
  • Require professional installation, which can add to the cost of ownership; 
  • It may not filter out all allergens like pollen, dust mites, or pet dander.

Which One Is The Best Option For Your Needs?

Now that you know the difference between an air purifier and an air conditioner, you might ask yourself which is the best for your needs. They both serve very different purposes, but which one do you need?

Here are some things you can consider when making your decision. 

Respiratory Issues

Suppose you or a family member have asthma, allergies, or other respiratory issues. In that case, an air purifier can help reduce indoor air pollution in your home and improve air quality. This is incredibly important to ensure everyone is healthy and happy in their home. 


As you can see, both of these systems offer a unique purpose in your home. If your budget allows it, installing both systems in your home is a great idea. 

However, suppose your budget only allows for the installation of one. In that case, you need to decide if keeping the temperature in your home cool during hot weather is more important or if keeping the air quality clean is more important. 


If you have pets in your home, an air purifier can help to reduce odors and keep your home smelling fresh. This is invaluable to many pet owners who love their animals but don’t want their homes to smell like them. 

Where You Live

If you live in a climate that only gets extremely hot temperatures a few times a year, it might be more beneficial to get an air purifier than an air conditioner. This will help keep your air clean year-round, and you’ll only have to experience hot indoor temperatures occasionally. 

Alternatively, if you live somewhere extremely hot or humid throughout the year, an air conditioning unit may be more beneficial for your home, especially since high levels of humidity can also affect those who have respiratory issues. 

Ultimately, whether you should get an air purifier or an air conditioner depends on your individual needs. Both systems provide unique benefits that can make your home more comfortable and healthier for everyone. So, take the time to consider what you need and then make the best decision for your home.

Ultimately, whether you choose an air purifier or an air conditioner, you can enjoy a healthier and more comfortable home. Consider your needs carefully and choose the best system for you and your home. 

FAQs regarding Air Purifier vs. Air Conditioner

Can you use both an air purifier and an air conditioner at the same time? 

Yes, you can use both an air purifier and an air conditioner simultaneously. Using these two appliances in tandem will help improve air quality while providing cooling comfort during hot weather. 

If you have specific needs for your home and the budget to do so, then getting both systems installed can be advantageous. 

I’ve heard air conditioners can purify the air. Is this true?

To an extent, yes. Air conditioners can filter out airborne particles, dust, and other pollutants from the air before it is released back into the room. However, an air conditioner is less effective than an air purifier when filtering out fine particles. They only work for filtering out larger particles. 

An air purifier will do much better to eliminate fine particle allergens like pollen, dust mites, and pet dander from the air. An air purifier is your best option if you are looking for effective air cleaning. 

How long does it take for an air conditioner to cool your home?

The cooling time of an air conditioner depends on a few factors, such as the size of your home, the temperature outside, and the type of air conditioner you have. Generally speaking, most air conditioners should be able to cool the temperature of a room within 10 minutes. 

How long does it take for an air purifier to clean the air in your home?

An air purifier can take anywhere from 10 minutes to several hours to circulate and filter the air in your home, depending on the type of system you have, the size of your home, and the number of pollutants present. 

Let’s look at the best air purifiers and air conditioners for your home. 

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Best Air Purifiers

Best Standalone Air Purifier: 

Best Whole-House Air Purifier: 

Alternatively, you can get HVAC air purifiers that tie directly into your home’s heating and cooling system. Consider consulting with a local professional for an installation quote and recommendations for the best models. 

Best Air Conditioners

Best Portable Air Conditioners: 

If you’re looking for central air conditioners that will tie directly into your home’s heating/cooling system, it is best to consult a local professional to help you choose the right one for your home. 

Ultimately, whether you choose an air purifier or an air conditioner, you can enjoy a healthier and more comfortable home. Consider your needs carefully and choose the best system for you and your home. 

Remember, if you are unsure which one to get, consult a local professional for advice.

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