Best Shower Tile Cleaner – The Complete Guide

Best Shower Tile Cleaner - The Complete Guide

There’s no doubt about it – the best shower tile cleaner can make or break your bathroom cleaning routine. But which one is the best to use? 

While plenty of bathroom tile cleaners exist, they aren’t equally effective. Some require much more time and elbow grease to use effectively, others may not give you the desired results, and others might be too harsh on your bathroom tiles. 

So, how do you know which cleaner will produce properly clean shower tiles?

The answer lies in understanding the pros and cons of each type of cleaner and your bathroom cleaning needs. 

To help make this decision easier for you, we’ve compiled a list of the best shower tile cleaners. And to kick off this list, we will start with simple products you may already have at home.

The Best Household Ingredients For Shower Tile Cleaners

White Vinegar

More often than not, you’ll find all you need to clean bathroom surfaces is a simple vinegar and water solution. 

Vinegar is naturally acidic, which means it’s excellent for cutting through dirt, grime, mineral deposits, soap scum, and anything else that may coat your shower walls and floor. Plus, it’s an all-natural product that won’t leave behind any harsh chemicals. 

In addition to safely cleaning your shower tiles, you can also use it for cleaning grout, the shower head, and your shower curtains. It truly is one of the best cleaners for cleaning your shower. 

There are two significant drawbacks to using vinegar as a cleaner in your bathroom. First, it has a strong smell, so you should open the windows or use an air freshener after using it. Furthermore, vinegar does not work as well on tough stains as some commercial cleaners mentioned below. 

How To Use: Mix white vinegar with warm water in a spray bottle (1:1 ratio). Spray the mixture onto your bathroom tiles and let it sit for 10 minutes before scrubbing with an appropriate cleaning brush. 

Best Shower Tile Cleaner - The Complete Guide

Baking Soda

The good news is vinegar isn’t the only practical household item that works well for cleaning shower tiles. Baking soda is another excellent option. 

It’s abrasive, meaning it can help to scrub away dirt or soap scum buildup without damaging your bathroom tiles. It also won’t leave any residue behind, unlike some alternatives. 

The pros of using baking soda include its affordability and availability. One downside is that it will only disinfect your bathroom tiles if you pair it with a disinfecting agent. However, there’s an easy way to do that.  

How To Use: The best way to use baking soda as a shower tile cleaner is to mix it with water in a bowl (1:2 ratio). And, if you want the added disinfection, mix in some rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to the baking soda solution. 

Then, apply the mixture to your bathroom tiles and let it sit for about 10 minutes before scrubbing with an appropriate cleaning brush. 

The Best Store-Bought Shower Tile Cleaner

While these household products are a great option for keeping your bathroom tiles clean, they may only work in some instances. So, here are 5 of the best shower tile cleaners you can buy at the store or online that will do the job the rest of the time. 

Tilex Clorox – Mold and Mildew Remover

Tilex is a famous and trusted brand when it comes to bathroom cleaning. The Mold and Mildew remover product is formulated specifically for removing mold and mildew, and it does a great job, according to reviewers. It’s also bleach-free so it won’t damage your bathroom tiles. 

The pros of using Tilex Clorox include its effectiveness against mold and mildew, bleach-free formula, and fast action. The one major con is that it is known to leave behind a bit of a residue. However, you can remove any leftover residue with hot water and a damp cloth or sponge.  

Tilex Clorox – Daily Shower Spray

Next on the list is another product from the Tilex line, the daily shower spray. While you wouldn’t want to use some of the other cleaners on this list daily due to the harsh chemicals, you can use this product as often as needed. 

Regular cleaning, removing water spots, and getting rid of soap scum before it has had a chance to dry makes it much easier to maintain the overall cleanliness of your bathroom. It also means you won’t need cleaners with harsh chemicals nearly as often. 

And that’s precisely what the daily shower spray product is for. The ease of use and the fact it keeps your shower cleaner for longer without harsh chemicals is an advantage. 

However, it’s important to note that it will not be as effective against tougher stains or buildup as other products. That’s why we still recommend having another cleaning product you can use as needed. 

Method Shower Spray Cleaner

If you’re looking for a non-toxic option, look no further than the Method shower spray cleaner. This cleaner is an all-purpose bathroom tile cleaner, and it’s made with plant-derived ingredients, so you can trust that it won’t damage your bathroom tiles. 

The pros of using Method shower spray cleaner include its natural properties and effectiveness against dirt and grime. You’ll find plenty of positive reviews online, so you can rest easy knowing that even though it’s natural, it still does a great job.

Unfortunately, it may be more challenging than other store-bought options. While retailers are making more effort to carry these natural cleaners in stock, they can still be hard to find.  

Scrubbing Bubbles Grime Fighter

Another popular store-bought cleaner is the Scrubbing Bubbles grime fighter. The name of this one says it all. Not only will it make your shower sparkling clean again, but it will also tackle tough grime and dirt buildup. 

It also contains disinfecting properties, killing up to 99% of germs and bacteria on contact. Overall, this is a great bathroom tile cleaner, especially for families. 

The pros of Scrubbing Bubbles grime fighter include its effectiveness against tough stains and dirt buildup and its ability to disinfect your bathroom tiles. 

The only significant drawback is that it may leave some residue, even after rinsing with hot water. To avoid this, you can use warm water and a clean sponge to remove any excess residue. 

Lysol Hydrogen Peroxide Bathroom Cleaner

Even though bleach does a good job of cleaning other areas of your home, it can damage tiles, which is why it’s not recommended on this list. What does work, though, is hydrogen peroxide, and Lysol has created a Hydrogen Peroxide bathroom cleaner ready for use immediately. 

You can use this product daily since it doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals without the risk of damaging your tiles. It will also keep your shower surfaces clean and disinfected. 

One downside to the Lysol Hydrogen Peroxide cleaner is that it won’t work well on tough stains or hard buildup. 

Cleaning Your Shower Tiles With Essential Oils

You can also clean your bathroom shower with essential oils.

Though essential oils won’t work well on tough stains, they are an excellent option for keeping your bathroom smelling clean and fresh. Some oils may also be a good disinfectant option. 

While you can technically use any essential oils, some popular choices for bathroom surfaces include tea tree, lemon, or lavender. 

To use essential oils to clean your shower tiles, mix a few drops with warm water in a spray bottle (1:20 ratio). Spray the mixture onto your tiles and let it sit for 10 minutes before wiping it with a cloth. 

Best Shower Tile Cleaner - The Complete Guide

Choosing the Best Shower Cleaner for Your Home 

Now that you know some of the best store-bought shower tile cleaners, you should consider which option suits your home and family.  

When making this decision, there are a few factors you should take into account. 

The first and likely most important factor to consider is the type of tile in your bathroom. Different tiles require different cleaning products and methods, so make sure you know what tile you have before purchasing. 

It’s also a good idea to do a test patch of the product on a small area before using it on your entire bathroom. Taking the time to do that extra step will help you determine if it is a good fit for your tiles and avoid potential damage to your tile.  

You’ll also want to consider the type of dirt and grime you’re dealing with. A milder cleaner can get the job done if it’s light dirt buildup. However, you’ll likely need a more robust cleaner if there is more stubborn dirt, mold, and mildew. 

Finally, keep in mind that you should follow the instructions of any cleaners fully to avoid any health issues or damage to your tiles. 

Best Shower Tile Cleaner - The Complete Guide

Additional Tools For Cleaning Shower Tile & Grout Lines

In addition to the cleaners listed above, here are some other essential cleaning tools that will make cleaning your bathroom easier, a bonus in our busy lives.  

  • An old toothbrush – good for getting into small corners and crevices.
  • Damp cloth or sponge – great for wiping down tiles before using a cleaner.
  • Grout brush – ideal for cleaning hard-to-reach grout lines.
  • Spray bottle – perfect for making homemade cleaning solutions. 
  • Magic eraser – good for removing buildup from your shower surfaces.

Overall, plenty of cleaners can keep your bathroom tiles clean. Hopefully, this list will help you find the best bathroom tile cleaner for your home and family.